Stretches to help you out after shoveling

Fixes for some common post-shoveling aches!

We’ve all experienced some aches and pains after working hard to clear the snow from our driveways and sidewalks.

Here are some physiotherapy stretches you can try to alleviate pain in your shoulders, knees and back. You should not be feel any pain with these exercises. If your pain is being caused by tight muscles, they should release with your breathing (consciously relax the muscles while you exhale).

For the following stretches, hold each one for 5 deep breaths. If the stretches do not help to release your muscles, the tension is likely a protective reflex and you do not want to overstretch these areas.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Rolls

Stand up and roll the shoulders backward.

physiotherapy shoulder rolls

Pec Stretch

  1. Stand up straight in front of an open doorway.
  2. Place your hands onto either side of the doorway at shoulder level.
  3. Keep your core and glutes tight.
  4. Lean your body weight forward until you feel a stretch along your chest and in front of your shoulders.
  5. Maintain the position and relax.

physiotherapy pec stretch

Lats Stretch

Start on all fours, bring the buttocks onto (or as close as you can) your heels and lengthen the arms (palms up) in front as far as possible without moving the buttocks. Keep the head down and aligned with the spine.

physiotherapy lats stretch

Cross Body Stretch

  1. Stand and place your upper arm across your chest and your hand over the opposite shoulder.
  2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and use your other hand to push your arm in towards you, until you feel a stretch in the back of your shoulder.

physiotherapy cross body stretch

Knee Pain

Quadriceps Stretch

  1. Lie on your side with your injured leg up and your bottom knee bent in front of you to protect your back.
  2. Reach back and grasp your ankle of your injured leg and gently pull towards your buttocks.
  3. Move your knee back without arching your back until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh.
  4. Keep your knee as low to the floor as possible and maintain the position.

You can use a towel or belt around your ankle to pull it towards your buttocks.

physiotherapy stretch for quadriceps

Hamstrings Stretch

  1. Start seated with one leg extended in front with the other foot resting on your inner upper thigh. You can also sit with your hips on a bloc or folded blanket for this pose.
  2. Reach for your foot with both hands and hold the position.
  3. Your body should be aligned nicely with the leg straight forward and the hips and shoulders squared.
  4. Breathe normally when in position.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

physiotherapy stretch for hamstrings

Groin Stretch

Sitting tall with a straight spine, place the soles of your feet together in front of you. Use your outer thighs to draw your knees toward the floor. Holding your ankle, use your abdominal muscles to fold forward. Keeping your elbows back along your body, continue to draw your knees toward the floor. Use sinking breath to release muscle tension.

physiotherapy stretch for groin

Back Pain

Child’s Pose

Begin kneeling on all fours. Push back and reach your arms out in front of you. To make more room for your body, separates your thighs for wide-knee version of the child’s pose.Rest and breathe, allowing your body to completely relax.You can rest your hand on a block for greater back and neck support. If you have knee pain or discomfort, place a rolled-up yoga mat or folded blanket under your leg behind your knee.
yoga child's pose

Cat and Cow

  1. Start on all fours with the hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, with a neutral spine.
  2. Exhale, then slowly round your back to the sky, starting from the tailbone.
  3. Inhale, then extend the spine starting from the tailbone and lifting the crown of head last.
  4. Repeat as needed, flowing with your breath.
  5. Return to neutral spine position at the end.

If you have wrist discomfort or injuries, use “fist for wrist” with palms facing each other. For sensitive knees or other knee concerns, use a knee pad for comfort.

Cat and cow yoga stretch

Figure 4 Stretch

  1. Cross the legs with the leg to be stretched on top.
  2. Gently pull the lower knee toward the chest until a stretch is felt in the buttocks.

Figure 4 physiotherapy stretch

Seated Twist D

In a seated position, extend your legs.Bring your right knee up with the sole of your foot on the floor.Cross your left leg under your right leg and your right leg over the left.Place your right hand next to you or behind you and sit tall.Beginning at the base of the spine, rotate to the right, bringing your left forearm around to hold you right shin/knee.Use your core strength instead of your arm to deepen the twist.Lengthen your spine with every inhale, twist further with every exhale.If you have difficulty keeping your back straight, sit on a rolled-up yoga mat or folded blanket. Repeat on the other side.

Yoga seated twist D

Also check out our previous post about how to prevent injuries from shoveling before they happen:  AVOIDING INJURY WHILE SHOVELING

If you’re having difficulty with pain after shoveling, come and see one of our expert therapists at EQ Physio for a free 10-minute consultation to discuss how we can help you. Our clinic is conveniently located at the corner of Dundas and Trafalgar in Oakville.

Avoiding injury while shoveling

After a few years of mild winters, we have returned to winter weather that is truly Canadian!

Like all of us, it is likely safe to say that you’ve dusted off your shovels and gotten your snow-moving muscles moving a few times already this season.

Here are some tips (from the Canadian Centre of Occupational Health and Safety) to keep yourself injury-free while clearing snow from your driveways:

  1. Timing
    • Where possible, it is more practical to shovel early and often. Fresh dry snow is lighter and therefore more manageable than wet, heavily packed, or partly melted snow.
  2. Choose the appropriate shovel length and weight for you
    • Weight: it should be lightweight but sturdy – about 1.5 kg (a little over 3 lbs).
    • Length: the handle should reach your chest to reduce the amount of forward bending.
    • Shaft type: shafts with a bend (versus a straight style) may be easier on your lower back when used correctly.
    • Handle type: shovels typically have a “D”-shaped handle. Be sure the handle shape does not force the wrist into awkward positions.
    • Blade size/shape: choose the style that best matches the exact task. For example, a large push-style shovel will move large amounts of snow, but may result in lifting too much weight. A smaller blade shovel (25 to 35 cm or about 10-14 in) should be used for lifting and throwing snow. The smaller blade will decrease the weight that is lifted and decrease the risk of injury.
  3. Wear appropriate clothing
    • Wear several layers of warm, lightweight clothing that is comfortable to move in. The inner layer should be breathable, such as thermal underwear that allows perspiration to escape from the skin surface.
    • Make sure your head, (especially your ears), feet and hands are well covered. However, do not let your hat or scarf block your vision – you have to see what you are shovelling.
    • Boots should be water-resistant and high-cut, and should provide good traction.
    • Gloves should be light and flexible and give you a good grip.
    • If the weather is very cold, wear something over your mouth. Use a work/rest schedule if the temperatures are low or if it is windy.
  4. Warm up before starting
    • Do some of these exercises to help warm up your muscles and improve your circulation:  WARM UP
  5. Work safely
    • Work at a steady pace. Shoveling is going to make you sweat and, if you stop, you could get a chill.
    • Push the snow rather than lift it. If you must throw it, take only as much snow as you can easily lift and turn your feet to the direction you’re throwing – don’t twist at the waist. Do not throw snow over your shoulder or to the side.
    • Pace yourself. Shoveling snow is a strenuous activity comparable to weightlifting, while walking on uneven and unstable ground, and wearing heavy-duty clothing. Take frequent breaks and drink some warm, non-alcoholic fluids.
  6. Stretch after shoveling
    • Once you are done, stretch for 5–10 minutes to loosen up the muscles in the low back and hamstrings that were used during shoveling: COOL DOWN

Check in to our blog again soon for an upcoming post discussing some specific fixes for common aches and pains that can occur after shoveling!

If you’re having difficulty with low back pain after shoveling, come and see one of our expert therapists at EQ Physio for a free 10-minute consultation to discuss how we can help you. Our clinic is conveniently located at the corner of Dundas and Trafalgar in Oakville.

How physiotherapy can help you

We treat a variety of problems – how can we help you?

Physiotherapists can help many people with a variety of ailments.

Are you, or someone you know, suffering from:

  • Low back pain
  • Knee pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Arthritis
  • Tension headaches
  • Difficulty with walking
  • Poor balance
  • Pain sustained in an accident
  • Poor physical fitness

We’re here to help! We see clients for all the above concerns and more. We will perform a thorough evaluation, and develop a treatment plan to help you get back to the things you love doing most.

Our programs are designed to educate you, so you can carry out your exercises on your own; therefore, you do not become dependent on us for long-term care.

You have the power to achieve better physical health, let us be your guide.

Contact our clinic for a physiotherapy assessment, we’re conveniently located at the corner of Dundas and Trafalgar in Oakville.

Fitness program tips

Happy New Year!

You’ve made a resolution – it’s time to start a fitness program, as recommended by your physiotherapist and doctor.

How do you start?

You need to commit to the program – don’t miss a day of your scheduled exercise. And you need support – your family needs to accept this important addition to your schedule.

Continuously focus on the positive benefits of exercise, which include:

  • Decreasing the risk of having a heart attack
  • Decreasing high blood pressure
  • Increasing enjoyment of family and recreational activities
  • Decreasing the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer
  • Decreasing the risk of developing diabetes
  • Decreasing body weight and body fat
  • Building a healthy heart, lungs, muscles, bones, and joints
  • Reducing depression and anxiety, and improving your self-image
  • Living a longer, happier life

If you do your exercises first thing in the morning, it’s a great way to start the day before other responsibilities get in the way. Block out one hour, three times per week for your program.

Warm up – Warming up is important to get the blood flowing to the muscles, lubricate the joints, and prepare your muscles for more intense exercise. You should warm up for 5-8 minutes before strength training. Use a treadmill, stationary bicycle, cross trainer, or stair stepper.

Stay hydrated – drink plenty of water. We suggest you hydrate after each set of exercises.

Proper technique – Ask one of the fitness staff at your gym. They will be happy to help, and improper technique can lead to injury.

Stretch – You should stretch after you do your gym exercises. Good flexibility is import to maintain proper muscle length, decrease pain and tension, and to maintain joint range of motion. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat them 2 times each.

If you’re having difficulty with your strength and flexibility, come and see one of our expert therapists at EQ Physio. We can develop a program for you, and keep you on the right track to achieve your goals! Our clinic is conveniently located at the corner of Dundas and Trafalgar in Oakville.

Holiday Hours

If you or someone you know is in need of physiotherapy or massage treatment over the holidays, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We will be open and booking clients on all days except Dec. 25, Dec. 26 and Jan. 1. We can be reached by email at or by phone at 905-599-6478

Direct billing for insurance

We are very happy to announce we now offer direct insurance billing for our physiotherapy and massage therapy clients at our Oakville clinic! Ask us how you can eliminate paperwork and out-of-pocket expenses!