Osteoarthritis sufferers – find relief with physiotherapy
Concerns about side effects of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications has left many osteoarthritis sufferers wondering how to manage their pain and disability. Many answers may be found in the Ottawa Panel Guidelines for Therapeutic Exercises and Manual Therapy in the Management of Osteoarthritis. The expert panel developed 13 grade-A recommendations for therapeutic exercise procedures in the management of osteoarthritis. A combination of manual therapy (hands-on techniques) and exercise also resulted in improved pain and longer walking distance in one randomized controlled trial on knee osteoarthritis.
Also, the results of a randomly controlled study on hip osteoarthritis suggested that manual therapy and stretching are more beneficial than an exercise program alone for improving pain, function, and walking speed in someone suffering with hip osteoarthritis.
Physiotherapists have been aware of this information for years, and now the most recent clinical guidelines support the use of exercise and manual therapy as part of an effective treatment program for osteoarthritis.
If you or someone you know is suffering from pain associated with osteoarthritis, we highly recommend that you contact us to book an assessment with our physiotherapist.
We can provide interventions to help decrease your pain and improve your level of function. Our clinic is conveniently located at the corner of Dundas and Trafalgar in Oakville.