A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination.

The good news is that the majority of people will recover from a concussion.
It can take up to:- 2 weeks for adults
- 3 to 4 weeks for young adults and children (although it may take up to 2-3 months)
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Sensitivity to motion and visual stimulation
- Balance problems
- Fatigue
- Sleep difficulties
- Cognitive difficulties e.g. memory, speech, word finding
- manual therapy techniques on the head, face and neck regions
- exercises to improve neck strength and endurance, eye tracking and movements, vision stabilization, balance, motion sensitivity and tolerance for aerobic exercise
- acupuncture/IMS
- pain management strategies
- education on your posture and activity modification i.e. getting enough rest
- return to work/school/sport protocol in conjunction with medical advice from your physician.
Please note that management of a concussion requires a multidisciplinary approach. As well, although no referral is required, it is recommended that you are assessed by your physician prior to commencing a concussion rehabilitation program.
Are you interested in Post-Concussion Rehabilitation or unsure of how EQ Physio in Oakville can help? Please email us at info@EQPhysio.com or call us at 905-599-MyPT (6478) for a free 10 minute consult!